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In fact, the validity of Anne Imhof’s work can be measured by the capacity of the cultural forces that have led her to action and not to become a formal artistic monument essentially useless. @anne_imhof #germanpavilion2017 #culture #biennalearte2017 #venice #mav


http://www.labiennale.org/en/agenda/anne-imhof-faust today we arrived at 9:25, waited in a line till 10:00, get into the Bienal, and wait in front of the german pavilion in another line till 11:00. The performance was from 11:10 till 15:00 it was very impressive, is a portrait of our time. #art #performanceart #biennalearte2017 #venice


@dawnkasper in 2008, when she could not longer afford renting a studio space, Kasper relocated her studio in the galleries or spaces where her exhibitions are held. #fiorucciarttrust #biennalearte2017 #artist #culture #venice #artandlife