Angelus Novus / Cielo Invertido

Angelus Novus/ Cielo Invertido
Teatro del Canal, Madrid, 2015

Reverse sky, light sculpture for the chamber opera by Jorge Fernández Guerra

Based on the drawing Angelus Novus by Paul Klee.

A reverse falling sky, switching off bit by bit until complete darkness. Despite the disaster, Walter Benjamin holds on to his faith in the light, which illuminates the mind. The last light fragment that lies on the floor represents the small drawing Angelus Novus by Paul Klee, which accompanied Benjamin till the end.

Light drawing (Light Tape®) by Darya von Berner, based on the painting of Paul Klee, for the homonymous opera by Jorge Fernández Guerra

Teatros del Canal (Madrid) – May 2015

Photo: Joaquín Cortés / Román Lores

