Use the words otherwise the words will use you.
Madrid, 2009
Dimensions: 10 leather cases, each measuring 7cm x 18cm x 18cm, and a wooden/crystal display case 157cm x 29cm x 29cm
Case of leather-lined wood with the word “Prostitución” (engl.: prostitution) engraved into the lid, the case is lined in red velvet, printed inside the lid is the word “Prostitución”.
The display case is made of white lacquered wood and glass. Inside the shelves fit 9 of the red leather cases. In the glass display top, fits the tenth case.
15000 candies wrapped in metalized paper, printed on them the word “Prostitución”.
A high-class hostess, wearing a red dress and silver high-heeled sandals.
During the artfair Arco, a top model offers sweets with the word ‘prostitution’ printed on the wrapper. There are words that are ‘out of place’ that can be used or not, depending on the system of communication being used. For example, an important Spanish newspaper with advertisements for prostitution, prohibits the publication in this section of an advertisement that uses the word ‘prostitution’ as this is a forbidden word, it can only be expressed by means of an euphemism.