#A.68 #lacaraocultadelaluna #antimuseo #centrocentrocibeles #culture #art #criticalthinkers
Doméstico #A.68 #lacaraocultadelaluna #centrocentrocibeles #criticalthinkers #orwelliansociety #fairsociety #peeholes #art #culture
“El mercado es un anatema para la cultura” @borjacasani #criticalthinkers #elpaissemanal #cultura #culture #madrid
Doméstico #A.68 #antimuseo #lacaraocultadelaluna #centrocentrocibeles #art #culture #madrid #criticalthinkers #peephole
Álvaro #A.68 #antimuseo #centrocentrocibeles #art #culture #criticalthinkers #peephole
#centrocentrocibeles #lacaraocultadelaluna #antimuseo #artwork #criticalthinkers #peephole the other way around
#antimuseo #centrocentrocibeles Tom van Vliet @arteconsultora #clinicarosalesmadrid #art #culture #opening #criticalthinkers #arte #cuture #alternative
A.68 – 2000
Alberto Zanmatti, Darya von Berner and Alberto Gala in Madrid 2000.
Transmaterial Politics “Camping in Tabacalera” opening @andres_jaque @ariadnacantis exhibition curator. Making legible political, economical cultural and social hidden relationships. #artist #art #culture #politics #social #architecture #criticalthinkers
Dimitri Aleksandrovich Prigov “Citizens! The Alps are looking into my window and sending greetings to you all! #poet #criticalthinkers #culture #nature #documenta14 #kassel
Annie Vigier & Franck Apertet (Les gens d’uterpan) questions the standardization, responsibility and behavior of the public and the choreographer. #artist #dance #choreographer #criticalthinkers #documenta14 #kassel @annie.vigier #lesgensduterpan
Today at documenta14 Frederic Rzewski. The American composer and pianist use in “We Sing For The Future” or in “Coming Together” tonal language with which large numbers of people are familiar, to communicate advanced political ideas. #composer #pianist #culture #criticalthinkers #documenta14 #kassel
In 1959 documenta 2, Hans Haacke worked as exhibition guard, understanding the political, economic and ideological rules of the art world. #artist #art #criticalthinkers #documenta14 #kassel @hanshaacke
We would have learn from Prinz Gholam about the reservoir of images that inspire our behavior. @prinzgholam @pierre.bal.blanc #art #artist #performanceart #criticalthinkers #culture #nature #documenta14 #athens #kassel
Angela Melitopoulos narration of political geographies. #filmmaker #artist #art #culture #nature #criticalthinkers #documenta14 @kassel
We learn from Ahlam Shibli photographic reportages and Richard Sennett book “Together” that people’s capacities for cooperation are far greater and more complex than institutions allow them to be. #art #culture #nature #criticalthinkers #documenta14 @sennettrichard @ahlam.shibli #kassel
“Place where the living reveals itself above the orderly” Lois Weinberger #nature #culture #artist #art #criticalthinkers #documenta14 @loisweinberger #demodernisation
The politics of spaces of Ibrahim Mahama. The artist uses tattered jute sacks obtained from traders in exchange for new ones. His currency is memory. @ibrahimmahama3 #artist #art #nature #culture #criticalthinkers #documenta14 #kassel
Pierre Huyghe forge a new physical relationship between the viewer and the art object. #sculpturemünster #art #artist #culture #nature #animals #criticalthinkers #munster
Benjamin Patterson’s work has a delicate sense of humor and subtle yet profound political deliberations, I just love his work! #documenta14 #kassel #art #artist #politcalart #criticalthinkers #culture #nature #serpaisaje
The body -one’s own and that if others- is gaining importance in the context of increasing digitalization, and also within the new economies emerging as a result. In the digital realm it disappears; in reality it is enhanced with digital devices and high-tech prostheses.
Kasper König, Brittany Peters, Marianne Wagner. @alexandrapirici “Leaking Territories” #sculptureprojectsmünster #art #artist #performance #culture #nature #politics #criticalthinkers
The Internet isn’t a public space. The news and social media platforms where we make our opinions known are 199 per cent private spaces belonging to publicly listed companies. #arambartholl #artist #art #culture #skulpturenprojektemünster #internet #criticalthinkers #publicspace #privatespace