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Este jueves día 25 de abril, en el ámbito del programa cultural “En torno al 8M y la marea feminista”, tendrá lugar a las 18.30h en la Sala de Protocolo del @museoreinasofia, la séptima edición de VOCES SITUADAS, donde hablaremos de maternidad y cuerpo – maternidad y trabajo – maternidad y psique.⁣

Cuando en el 2014 comencé mi proyecto “Maternidad Politica” no me imaginaba todo lo que aprendería en estos cinco años.⁣


Fuera de lugar, 2009 – Sculpture – Darya von Berner⁣

⁣Carole Pateman definition of ‘prostitution’ as an institution that involves the exchange of money for sexual services (property in the person) and, as an institution, has nothing to do with women’s desire, but has a lot to do with women’s survival – and the very large profits of those who control the global sex industry.⁣
#feminist #feminism #8M #madrid #art #painting #contemporaryart #daryavonberner #culture #artist #daryavonberner #madridart #criticalart #money


Ganz Licht und frei in der Frankfurter Küche, 2012 – Ernst-May-Haus & Museum – Light Atmosphere – Darya von Berner⁣⠀
The installation ‘Ganz Licht und frei in der Frankfurter Küche’, by Darya von Berner is a tribute to Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky´s, an architect that escape her chains.⁣⠀
#frankfurt #FrankfurtKüche #madrid #art #MargareteSchütte-Lihotzky #Ernst-May-Haus #contemporaryart #daryavonberner #culture #artist #daryavonberner #feminism #feminist #8M


The history of the Motherhood, 1999 – Painting: Acrylic on velvet and fluorescent light – Darya von Berner. ⁣

Rosa Luxemburg: “Those who do not move, do not notice their chains”⁣
Silvia Federici: “In only three centuries women have suffered episodes as bloody as the witch hunt.”⁣

#motherhood #feminist #feminism #8M #madrid #art #painting #contemporaryart #daryavonberner #culture #artist #daryavonberner #madridart #rosaluxemburg


Sofonisba Anguissola (1561-1565) painted this portrait of Isabel de Valois #museodelprado #feminism #culture #art #mav @diana_larrea #hers-story


👏https://www.google.es/search?q=petra+volpe+the+divine+order&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari&gfe_rd=cr&dcr=0&ei=KDP8WfSpNZPY8gfm15rQBQ#gfe_rd=cr&imgrc=xGx4HClyCdqd2M: @petravolpe #mav #feminism #culture #film