Der Rote Faden, 2014 – Frankfurt / Darya von Berner
Light Installation
Der Rote Faden (the red line) is a German phrase (Goethe „Elective Affinities“) that refers to a track, a path or a guideline. A Roter Faden connects distant things that belong together.
The building in Saalgasse 18, Frankfurt, by architect Charles Moore and Norbert Moest, is an example of an emotional and pluralistic post-modern architecture. The two houses are in reality just one. A red light tape joins the two seemingly different house-halves and repeats in it’s movement the circular elements of the architecture.
On the occasion of BDIA INNENarchitekturOFFEN in the Städel Museum Frankfurt
Darya von Berner presents “In light of the Frankfurt Kitchen”.
With generous support of volkmar nauth, BDIA /ernst-may gesellschaft / light tape / dolores hackenberg
Ganz Licht und frei in der Frankfurter Küche, 2012 – Ernst-May-Haus & Museum – Light Atmosphere – Darya von Berner⠀
The installation ‘Ganz Licht und frei in der Frankfurter Küche’, by Darya von Berner is a tribute to Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky´s, an architect that escape her chains.⠀
#frankfurt #FrankfurtKüche #madrid #art #MargareteSchütte-Lihotzky #Ernst-May-Haus #contemporaryart #daryavonberner #culture #artist #daryavonberner #feminism #feminist #8M
Transfer 2, 2004 – Darya von Berner. Photography .
The photographic series ‘Inversiones’, documents the imposing buildings of Frankfurt’s financial district. They are represented, tilted on their head, in a symbolical attempt, to shake the truth out of them.
Von Berner began this work in 2002, the same year in which the Euro was introduced as the single currency, only ten years after the Maastricht treaty was signed. In 2003, the record year of mortgage loans in Spain, the photo ‘S.O, Banco Bilbao Vizcaya’ was created.
#art #contemporaryart #culture #artist #daryavonberner #arco19 #madridart #photography #investments #inversiones #frankfurt
Das Erschrecken des Darstellers in diesem Augenblick kann aufgenommen und in den Film montieren werden. Nichts zeigt drastischer, daß die Kunst aus dem Reich des “schönen Scheins” entwichen ist, das solange als das einzige galt, in dem sie gedeihen könne. Walter Benjamin
im Kult der Erinnerung an die fernen oder die abgestorbenen Lieben hat der Kultwert des Bildes die letzte Zuflucht. Walter Benjamin
Another selfie with Katharina! Photo by Lena Uphoff!!
Mit Katharina Grossardt. Die Griechen kannten nur Zwei Verfahren technischer Reproduktion von Kunstwerken…
Into the place of its foundation in ritual, it’s foundation in another praxis has to step. Walter Benjamin #historicalselfiehmf #frankfurt
#historicalselfiehmf #luminale2018 #frankfurt #lightart #lightwalk #artist
#historicalselfiehmf #historischemuseumfrankfurt #frankfurt #luminale2018 #artlight #artist
#historicalselfiehmf with dear friends!!! #frankfurt #art #lightart #kunst
#historicalselfiehmf with my dear friends #frankfurt #lightart #art #artist
„Alle meine Grenzen haben Eile“ #historischesmuseumfrankfurt #luminale2018 #lightartist #art #historicalselfiehmf #frankfurt
„la conquête de l‘ubiquité“ Paul Valéry, #historicalselfiehmf mit Dr. Peter Hermann
Ready fir tonight’s opening #historicalselfiehmf #frankfurt #art #lightartist #luminale2018
Coming soon…. #historicalselfiehmf #frankfurt #art #artisticperformance
With my dear friends Monika and Peter looking forward for “Alle meine Grenzen haben Eile” #luminale2018 #historischesmuseumfrankfurt #historicalselfiehmf #frankfurter #frankfurt
Coming soon… #historicalselfiehmf #frankfurt