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Marchas de Elefantes, 1994 – Assisi⠀
Wall Painting, Darya von Berner⠀

Rocca Maggiore Sistema Museo di Perugia⠀
Comune di Assisi⠀
Assisi, Italy, 1994⠀
Wall painting⠀
Photo: Mika Schiffer @mikaschiffer⠀

The second installation of Marcha de Elefantes took place at the Sistema Museo/ Rocca Maggiore di Perugia (Assisi, Italy). At this occasion the ephemeral painting of this monumental elephant march, was realized on a palisade, that surrounded the castle.⠀

Curator: Giulietta Speranza⠀
Performance dance: Gisella Zanmatti⠀
The project Marcha de Elefantes, is a metaphor of walking: the walk of all the wild animals and people which have lost their habitat and homes, uprooted and forced to leave their place of origin.⠀

The work began as a series of large-scale murals, but later the wall-based work was complemented by sculptures, videos and also performances.⠀